Lowongan Kerja PT. Pharos Indonesia

Loker PT Pharos Indonesia
Loker PT Pharos Indonesia

Lowongan kerja PT Pharos Indonesia ini kita peroleh melalui akun PT. Pharos Indonesia.

PT. Pharos Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbesar di Indonesia yang memproduksi dan memasarkan produk-produk kefarmasian yang inovatif dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan rakyat Indonesia. Untuk informasi terkait karir medis di situs www.lokerkesehatan.id ini bisa kalian lihat di bawah ini.

Lihat juga Loker kesehatan Instansi BUMN terbaru lainnya.

Daftar Lowongan PT Pharos Indonesia

Berikut adalah posisi atau bagian yang sedang dibutuhkan saat ini, beserta kualifikasi atau persyaratan dari lowongan pekerjaan atau karir nakes yang sedang dibutuhkan.

Dipublikasikan pada: 3 Januari 2024

R&D Analytical Development Supervisor

  • Job description:
    • Oversee end-to-end Analytical Development team’s activities in conducting and reporting analysis method research, starting from lab trials, analysis method validation, to the transfer of validated analysis method.
    • Develop project plans and timeline, track progress, and evaluate/prioritize projects based on strategic goals and resource availability.
    • Manage laboratory instruments, including equipment maintenance and troubleshooting in case of malfunctions.
    • Calculate, propose, and monitor annual budget plan implementation based on manpower and machine-hour capacity in Analytical Development department.
  • Requirements:
    • Minimum of 3 years experience as a Supervisor in R&D Analytical Development.
    • Proficient in laboratory instruments, including but not limited to HPLC, Spectrophotometry, GC, and AAS.
    • Bachelor’s degree (SI) in Chemistry or Professional degree in Pharmacy (Apothecary).
    • Qualified individual with challenge-driven attitude, good analytical thinking, problem-solving skill, detail-oriented, and good stress management.
    • Willing to work in a shift system.
    • Ready for working placement at South Jakarta.

Dipublikasikan pada: 2 Januari 2024

Quality Assurance Officer

  • Job description:
    • Compile and revise standard operating procedures (SOP) in accordance with ISO 17025:2017.
    • Perform verification of laboratory and clinical equipment, including all relevant documentation.
    • Monitor and ensure progress in BA/BE studies, maintaining records throughout the clinical reseach study implementation until reporting.
    • In charge of end-to-end documentation processes for BA/BE studies, including but not limited to receiving, completing, distributing, and disposing of documents.
  • Requirements:
    • Male/Female, max. 26 years old.
    • Pharmacist are preferred, but candidates with a Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Chemistry or Pharmacy are welcome.
    • A year of working experience in a contract research organization (CRO) is preferred, but fresh graduates are welcome.
    • English skills (active or passive; good grammar/writing skills).
    • Good communication and collaborative skills. Eager to learn, result- and detail-oriented person.
    • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office.
    • Have a knowledge of ISO 17025:2017, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), and European Medicines Agency (EMA) guidelines is a plus.
Loker lainnya :  Lowongan Kerja Primaya Hospital Kelapa Gading

Untuk memudahkan dalam mencari lowongan pekerjaan khusus bidang kesehatan, kalian bisa ikuti akun sosial media kami di link.lokerkesehatan.id.

Pengiriman Lamaran

Untuk pendaftaran atau pengiriman berkas seperti surat lamaran, Curriculum Vittae (CV) terbaikmu, dan berkas lainnya melalui cara berikut ini.

R&D Analytical Development Supervisor

Subject: AD SPV_Full Name

Clinical Research Staff

Subject: QA CR_Full Name

Batas Akhir

Untuk deadline dari lowongan ini tidak tertera, mungkin sampai posisi yang sedang dibutuhkan itu terpenuhi.

Sekian informasi terkait Loker PT Pharos Indonesia. Jangan lupa untuk bagikan ke sosial media serta teman-teman kalian ya.

Lihat juga kumpulan Loker kesehatan Instansi Pemerintah terbaru lainnya.

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